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Tuesday, February 11, 2025

6am – 10 am                                   Big Daddy in the Morning

10am – 2pm                                    Chopper Scott

2pm – 6pm                                      Eric Bishop

6pm-11pm                                      Rudy

Fridays 6pm – 9pm                          Southern Fried Friday with Scott McKenzie

Sunday Morning 8am – 12pm           Time Warp with Bill St. James

Sunday Night 7pm – 8pm                 Get The Led Out with Carol Miller

Sunday Night Encore 8pm – 12am     Time Warp with Bill St. James

Station Features:

If you thought time only moved forward, then join legendary host Bill St. James on a weekly journey through those awkward, growing up years of the past.  It’s TIME WARP with Bill St. James—4 hours of whacky witticisms, goofy sitcoms, cheesy commercials and..oh, yes…the greatest Classic Rock of all time!

Every week, TIME WARP through the best Classic Rock of the 60s, 70s and 80s, and all other things that made those times so much fun, James Bond, Jiffy Pop, Star Trek, Record Players, MTV!

Listen to Time Warp Sunday mornings at 8am and an encore performance at 8p Sunday nights.

When you think of Classic Rock…Led Zeppelin is the biggest name there is! Often called a “SuperGroup” the history and music of Led Zeppelin is the focus of Zeppelin Expert Carol Miller. Join Carol Miller’s Get the Led Out Sunday nights at 7PM for an hour of solid Led Zeppelin!