Reynolds and Jackman on set – Marvel Studios
Ryan Reynolds hinted to fans in February that he will be kicking things up a notch with Deadpool vs. Wolverine promotions after Dune 2‘s some-say-inappropriate popcorn bucket from AMC Theatres.
“Wait till you see the Deadpool popcorn bucket,” he boasted after that movie’s conveyance was spoofed.
Well, on Thursday he put his money where his mouth is — or more accurately, the popcorn where Wolverine’s mouth is.
In a new spot that launched on YouTube and on his social media, Reynolds posted the fruits of his labor: a popcorn bucket shaped like Wolverine’s head, that would require a moviegoer to shove their hand into Hugh Jackman‘s alter ego’s open mouth — past a textured tongue, no less — to retrieve their snack (we hope it’s their snack).
“Years from now they will look back at 2024 as when the War of the Popcorn Buckets began,” Reynolds said on social media.
Set to Richard Strauss‘ “Sprach Zarathustra,” the cheeky spot has Deadpool’s gloved hand caressing the bucket-topper, before it’s fully revealed as the music peaks. “Designed by Deadpool” is scrawled on the container’s side.
Popcorn then fills the gaping maw from above, then butter drools down its forehead, suggestively.
ABC Audio has learned the bucket will be available from AMC Theatres, but the chain hasn’t officially confirmed that.
Not to be outdone, competing chain Regal Cinemas replied to Reynolds’ post with a salvo of its own in the popcorn bucket wars, promising a “first-ever combination drink and popcorn collectible container” featuring a character from the movie, but stopped short of a full reveal due to “Time Variance Authority spoiler restrictions.”
“You showed us yours but we’re gonna make you wait to see ours,” Regal said to Reynolds.
Marvel Studios’ Deadpool & Wolverine hits theaters July 26.
Marvel Studios is owned by Disney, the parent company of ABC News.
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