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Neil Young “not OK” with his songs being played at President Trump’s Mount Rushmore rally


Neil Young has regularly expressed his dislike for President Donald Trump, and he’s among the several artists who have asked the President to stop play their music at his rallies. That didn’t stop the Trump campaign from blasting at least two of his songs over loudspeakers at a gathering at Mount Rushmore in South Dakota on Friday.

Video segments posted on Young’s Twitter feed show that his songs “Like a Hurricane” and “Rockin’ in the Free World” were played at the July 4 weekend rally, and Neil responded by writing, “This is NOT ok with me.”

In response to one clip that shows “Like a Hurricane” being played at the site before the event began, Young wrote, “I stand in solidarity with the Lakota Sioux & this is NOT ok with me.”

This partly refers to the fact that members of the Sioux tribe opposed Trump’s rally being held at Mount Rushmore for multiple reasons, including many Native Americans’ long-held opinion that the monument was a desecration of their sacred land.

In a post on his official website last month in which he expressed his support for the Black Lives Matter protests, Young described the president as “a poor leader who is building walls around our house. He added, “I believe he will be powerless soon…That sorry man will not destroy the American Dream.”

In addition, during the latest in his series of “Fireside Sessions” acoustic performance videos, Neil introduced an updated version of his 2006 song “Lookin’ for a Leader” that featured new lyrics criticizing Trump.